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We believe we have an obligation to humankind that goes far beyond a day job. Our collective belief that nature’s healing powers should be accessible to all, has made it our responsibility to develop health solutions that truly make a difference for you.

We inform, to empower. By sharing our research and knowledge, connecting you with health experts around the world, and offering specialist capabilities to help bring new products to life, we provide the clarity you need to take control of your health – or support the health of others.

Our strength, our specialty. Two interconnected systems lie at the heart of human health, and at the centre of our expertise. Our focus on the microbiome and cognition—and their interrelationship makes it possible to offer product solutions that enable optimal health of humankind.

We could also tell you about our commitment to quality, safety and effectiveness. Or our state-of-the-art facilities and global team of professional experts. But you should expect nothing less.

For us, it’s personal. We believe we have an obligation to humankind that goes far beyond a day job. Our collective belief that nature’s healing powers should be accessible to all, has made it our responsibility to develop health solutions that truly make a difference for you.

We inform, to empower. By sharing our research and knowledge, connecting you with health experts around the world, and offering specialist capabilities to help bring new products to life, we provide the clarity you need to take control of your health – or support the health of others.

Our strength, our specialty. Two interconnected systems lie at the heart of human health, and at the centre of our expertise. Our focus on the microbiome and cognition—and their interrelationship makes it possible to offer product solutions that enable optimal health of humankind.

We could also tell you about our commitment to quality, safety and effectiveness. Or our state-of-the-art facilities and global team of professional experts. But you should expect nothing less.

Our guiding principle is that our people act with integrity, courage and passion to